Heart & Soul is a bridge between donors, volunteers and programs that Empower Youth, Feed the Hungry and Support the Arts, serving communities in need in New York City.

Monday Night Hospitality and Outreach

Friday Soup Kitchen

Navigators USA

New Amsterdam Youth Choir

Girl Scouts of East Harlem

Musica Viva

Our Mission

The Heart & Soul Charitable Fund supports community-based programs in New York City. Organizations we support serve the city’s marginalized populations through the investment of time, money and compassion. Together with our partners and supporters we find creative and inspiring ways to sustain the critical work they do to:

  • Feed the hungry
  • Empower youth
  • Support arts education

Heart & Soul was founded in 1988 to raise funds for two long-running meal programs, which together serve 30,000 meals annually at All Souls Church. Over 30 years later, we continue to fund these programs and have expanded to other community-based programs in New York City.

Heart & Soul is a volunteer organization. Your dollars are transmitted directly to service programs in New York City, which, themselves, are driven by the commitment of volunteers. For example, the two feeding programs we support rely on volunteers to cook and serve nearly 600 people a hot meal weekly. The funds donated go directly to food and supplies for those in need. You can make a donation confident that your dollars will make the maximum difference possible for our neighbors in need.

Updates from our programs

Please read about our new programs in our recent newsletter.  

Please contribute here. 

Get Involved.

You can make a difference,

We accept financial contributions online or by check. If you’d like to know more about volunteer opportunities with one of our supported programs, please contact them directly with the information listed in the program sections. If you have further questions, please contact us and we can put you in touch with the relevant people.

Programs We Support

Monday Night Hospitality

Considered the gold standard of feeding programs in our city. By welcoming over 300 guests every Monday night to a sit down dinner they not only deliver food but also respect and comfort. See more…

Friday Soup Kitchen

What Monday Night Hospitality does at the beginning of the week Friday Soup does during lunchtime at the end of each week 52 times a year for the past 40 years. They welcome people looking for a hot meal and community.
See more…

Navigators USA

Navigators USA is an alternative scouting organization created by All Souls members in 2003, which is non-discriminatory, co-ed and secular. It has grown beyond youth development to community development by involving the whole family in all activities. See more…

Girl Scouts of East Harlem

We support two troops of Girl Scouts in East Harlem.  In an accepting and nurturing environment, and in partnership with committed adult volunteers, girls develop strong values, leadership skills, social conscience, and belief. See more…

New Amsterdam Boys and Girls Choir

Since its inception, the New Amsterdam Boys and Girls Choir has provided a comprehensive choral music program for East Harlem children.  Along with learning how to be dynamic performers, members learn life skills from time management, working together to leadership. See more…

Musica Viva

Musica Viva NY is a chamber choir of thirty professionals and highly skilled volunteers.  Since its founding in 1977, Musica Viva NY shared the power of choral and instrumental music with audiences in New York City and beyond. See more…